Time Keeps on Slipping…

…into the future.

Lest we forget about our daily lives – and building upon my recent blog, Ch, Ch, Changes,  which was  about how we deal with change, how we navigate life in general – when the drama is minimal and our days uneventful – is critically important as well. We have the power to be anything we want to be. To do anything we want to do. To own anything we want to own. But many of us just…well, we just don’t tap into what’s readily available to us.

Maybe you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction? Some of you probably think it’s just crazy talk. Maybe. But maybe not. A friend once described me as a manifester. Not sure that’s a real word, but I’m going with it. I manifest what I desire. Always have. And it’s not hard. You see something you desire in your life, you move toward the goal. You attract it. Ultimately, you achieve what you were seeking. How much simpler could it be?

People don’t believe it works because they create roadblocks along their path. You know the type. Heck, you might even be the type because I know I have been at times. It’s when something is desired, but you create a laundry list of why you can’t have that thing you desire. “Oh, I want to go back to school and get my degree, but I can’t. I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough time. My kids take up my life. I’m not focused. I’m too old.” But what if? What if you took one class. Just one. One step forward. That’s how I got my degree. Slowly, sometimes painfully. Seemed like it was taking forever. But I got it. And I was well into my 4th decade by then.  My 5th decade when I earned my master’s degree.

Or, how about this: “There’s a car, or a house, or a thing (fill in the blank), I really, really want, but I just can’t afford it. I’ll never have enough money!” But are you saving? How much did you spend on your phone? Your TV? Internet and wireless services? Eating out? Starbucks latte’s? What is your priority? You can have the thing you want – you just have to find ways to get it. Be creative. Look for alternatives. Seek advice.

This is where the Law of Attraction works. You seek from a position of “I know I can do this, I just have to make some changes,” and you get where you desire to go. Not instantaneously, but through forward motion. And the Universe responds. Suddenly roadblocks disappear and the path is clear. But when you continually tell the Universe you can’t have something, it also acquiesces. You are operating from a position of lack, rather than a position of abundance. The Universe doesn’t know the difference. It gives you exactly what you ask for. Nothing more, nothing less.

No free ride on this road though. You have to do the work, take the class, save the money, write the book, play the music, do the exercise – do whatever is necessary – to get where you want to go. But because you know you can, and because you’re moving toward the goal, the vibration of the Universe will move with you. A Buddhist proverb states that “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” And the greatest wizard ever, Albus Dumbledore, a creation of an amazing manifester in her own right, J.K. Rowling, said, “Help will always be given to those at Hogwarts who ask for it.” Okay, maybe you’re not a wizard and not at Hogwarts, but it’s true anywhere. Not motivated yet? Here’s on more quote you might find appealing, from the King James Version of the Bible:

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

Go forth and seek what you desire. It’s waiting for you. And the Universe stands ready to help.

Namaste 🙏



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