The Power of Repetition

If you say something once, is it true? Let’s use, for example, the phrase, “witch hunt.” If you say it once, is it a true statement? Can it be a true statement, without support, data, logic, research? But what if…what if you say it 100 times? 1,000 times? Does it then ring truer for you? Here’s another: “Lock her up!” If you say it once, is it true that someone deserves to be locked up? How about 100 times? Is it then fact-based? Even if, in this well worn example, there have been multiple investigations and hearings, spanning 40 years or better, which have come up with exactly no evidence sufficient to even indict the individual in question? While, back to the first example, that individual has seen a number of his closest allies either found guilty, or pleading guilty, to multiple charges, some of which are coming dangerously close to him. And yet, “witch hunt” prevails, as does “lock her up.” And with each passing day they seem to become more true, at least in some small minds, because it is repeated, over and over, with enthusiasm and passion and vigor.

But, alas, it is not true. Repetition does not substantiate a claim. What substantiates any claim, is proof. Documentation. Support. Data. Tangible evidence to the contrary. Or, on the other side, that same level of tangible proof in support of an investigation. That we have. We have it because people have willingly decided to work with those doing the hunting. They are collaborating, providing the evidence necessary to support the investigation. Don’t get me wrong…these stellar individuals are not pleading guilty and cooperating out of some sort of “come to Jesus” moment. They haven’t discovered the error of their ways. They have no remorse or guilt because they have no ethics or values. If they had those, they wouldn’t have done the dastardly deeds in the first place.  No, they are rolling over simply to save their own skin from a lifetime of incarceration. And if, perhaps, their fearless leader goes down with the ship, as well he should, so be it.

I can pretty much guarantee, when they now hear the “witch hunt” chant, they cringe, because they know, more than anyone, what a tired and untrue phrase it is. Because, if it is a witch hunt, then they are all witches, or better yet, warlocks. Are they are part of coven, led by a High Priest? I think not. They are nothing more than a group of small-minded people who enjoy power and wealth, to the detriment of all others. And they are now potentially facing an exorbitant amount of time under prison guard, and so are suddenly feeling the need to be a bit more forthcoming about their activities.

The leader of this pack of unholy beasts may be repetitive with his words, but it won’t change the truth. There is only, ever, one truth, and it will come out, based on serious, deliberate, thoughtful, in-depth investigation. Along with that, we are discovering the old adage, there is no honor among thieves, to be true. No matter how often it’s stated, or how loud it’s screamed, or how many tweets it fills, a phrase does not become truth until it can verified and proven. I’ll just wait…

~ jwb ~

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One Response to The Power of Repetition

  1. Jane R. says:

    Well said, and when the Truth is finally, fully revealed, I hope that such defamation and insurgency against a political candidate will be made against the law. No more false-claims attack ads assaulting our senses; no more “Citizens United”, slander, frivolous investigations for political advantage; no more vitriol, mean-spiritedness, dirty tricks, voter suppression, misogyny, “fake news”… the list goes on. It has been going on far too long, however, as painful as the last two years have been, it was necessary to uncover the insidious evil and put a stop to it once and for all.

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