
Politics. Not my favorite topic during these troubled times. I find the polarization and divisiveness of our country disheartening and – almost – debilitating.  But I need to say my piece to find my peace.

Our country sits on a precipice, and in the words of Theseus Scamander (a creation born out of the amazing mind of J.K. Rowling), there comes a time when everyone will have to choose a side. Our elected officials have just taken the first step in creating a dictatorship, in clear view of all, after 240+ years of a democracy. Some will say I am an alarmist. I say I’m a realist.

Our political system is in tatters right now. The current inhabitant of The White House has been acquitted by the Senate. I know, no surprise there since we were forewarned by Senate leadership that would be the outcome. It was a sham. A kangaroo court, if you will.  It started with the argument he didn’t do it, morphed into even if he did do it, there was nothing wrong with it, hence not an impeachable offense, and finally rested on yes, he did do it, but the president is above the law.

Once power is freely and completely given, once a head of state is deemed to be above the law, democracy ends. Lord Action said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” It’s true. And yet this is the path our government has chosen. While I am no fan of the present occupant of The White House, this isn’t about him. It’s about elected officials who have determined their needs and desires outweigh the needs and desires of an entire country.  It’s about those who blindly follow them off the edge of the cliff. The majority of this country disagreed with the recent decision made at the highest levels of our government.  The majority is being held hostage by a minority.  A minority who believes they, and only they, know what’s best for all.

Honestly? I feel deflated. I always thought our country a good one, although I also always knew we could do better. We could fight for peace instead of fighting in wars. We’re an incredibly rich and smart country.  We could feed the hungry, not just here, but around the world.  We could help countries provide fresh, running water to their citizens.  We could clean up the environment, setting the standard for others to follow.  We could welcome and provide for those in need instead of putting them in cages. We could become the people and the country other people and other countries would want to emulate.

We’re not even close.

My only power is to vote, and I will. I always do. But, be forewarned. What has just occurred in our county is unprecedented and irreversible. All presidents going forward will be considered to be above the law, whether you like them or not, whether they’re in your chosen party or not. That may be okay for some. If you are happy with where our country is now, and comfortable with how we got here, I suspect you will remain content in the future.

For those of us who wish for something better? Those of us who not only base our votes on more money in our pocketbooks, but also on compassion and empathy for other’s needs?  Those of us who vote for peace and religious freedom?  Those of us who vote for love, no matter who is loving whom?  Those who vote for personal choice?  Those of us who vote for equality, unequivocally?  Well, our dreams are only attainable in a democracy.  We may have to learn to live within the confines of hatred, bigotry, bullying, misogyny, and isolationism for quite some time. Worst of all, we may have to learn to live with a government that flouts the very laws once enacted to protect us…from them.

Namaste 🙏


Is it time to freak out about America? What’s next after impeachment: Interesting read from CNN:




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