Conspiracies Abound

The internet, the “dark web,” and the various social media platforms have created a tapestry of nonsense that some – those whose minds are open to it – find appealing. I believe this conspiracy obsession reflects something which is sorely lacking within some people’s lives which causes them to embrace ideas which validate and support their own, personal, internal struggle. The conspiracies offer a cause for their misery. It’s never their fault. The world has conspired against them.

And that is a very state of affairs.

We all know that someone who makes excuses when something doesn’t work out as expected. It’s not their fault. They did everything right. But they suggest a myriad of reasons why things are not as they should be. And now? Well, now we’ve taken this to a whole new level. To the extreme. A level which is not only insane but has absolutely no basis in reality.

Conspiracies, by their very nature, involve a small, contained group. The more people with access to the inner workings of the conspiracy, the more likely someone will spill the beans.

For instance, a conspiracy to “steal the vote” in multiple states, involving both the republican and democratic leadership within those states; involving the state’s legislatures; involving the post office; involving the makers of the voting machines, and involving all the poll workers, vote counters, and count observers, and finally the judicial system, is not only absolutely insane, it’s also absolutely impossible.

And yet, here we are.

True, the presidential vote didn’t meet some people’s expectations. Their candidate didn’t win. And so their response, parroting the losing candidate’s response, is that the election was fixed. After 200+ years, we suddenly have a rigged system. That’s the logic. No proof necessary. Four years ago it didn’t work out for the other side, and yes, there were some rumors of conspiracies then although not to this level of intensity. But everyone, including the losing candidate, knew that even if there was some level of fraud or malfeasance, there wasn’t enough to overturn the election. For four years, that group waited on the sidelines for the opportunity to vote again, as our constitution dictates. This is what happens every four years in this country. One side loses and gets to try again in four years.

Or this: Coronavirus is a hoax. It’s a conspiracy. It’s not real. Of course, by now, almost all of us know someone who has had it. Our hospitals are overwhelmed with patients. Our healthcare workers and support staff and ambulance personnel are crying out for help. How does every hospital in every state get in on this conspiracy? Along with every doctor and every nurse? And not just here, but around the world? Again, it’s not only an absolutely insane concept, it’s also absolutely impossible.

And yet, here we are.

Point being, when you find you are disheartened or discouraged at something in your life you didn’t anticipate, something which didn’t meet your expectations, and you find you are blaming others or searching frantically for the smoking gun of a conspiracy, take a deep breath and slow down. Do your research. Use logic and reason and the critical thinking skills bestowed upon you. Ferret out the truth, not the nonsense and noise aimed at you by those who spend their miserable lives manipulating the masses because they lack the basic skills necessary to deal with reality. They are your enemy, not reality.

These are difficult times. Be the voice of reason. Be the change.

Namaste 🙏

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