Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Expectation of Peace

Humans. We’re a fickle bunch, aren’t we? We expect things to go certain ways. If we’re positive and upbeat, we usually experience good results, as we would expect. If we’re pessimistic, our results don’t tend to be as good, but … Continue reading

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Rainy Days

Sitting, listening to the rain. Cat on my lap, dog by my side.  We don’t get many long rainy days here in Florida.  Storms usually blow in, and blow right back out, leaving everything hotter and steamier than before.  So … Continue reading

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The Grim Reaper Drives a Garbage Truck

A neighbor of ours was murdered some years back, which is, in and of itself, a frightening and rather disconcerting event. We live in a quiet subdivision, a place where the most excitement is either an emergency illness or a … Continue reading

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A Culture of Inequality

I had a discussion recently, which started in the political arena, gravitated to the “taking a knee” issue, and finally wound it’s way around to slavery. My politics are somewhat different than the person I was speaking with, a friend, … Continue reading

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Legacy of Shame

The current inhabitant in the White House continues to roll back more rules and regulations and protections, which were originally enacted to sustain our environment and our people. You can dirty the water. You can burn as much coal as … Continue reading

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