Category Archives: Uncategorized


Politics. Not my favorite topic during these troubled times. I find the polarization and divisiveness of our country disheartening and – almost – debilitating.  But I need to say my piece to find my peace. Our country sits on a … Continue reading

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Ch, Ch, Changes…

Grandfather clock, ticking away the seconds, next to me. Soothing, and yet relentless. Each moment passes with a tick. The one constant in all of life, as the clock ticks persistently in the background, is change. At work lately, this … Continue reading

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It IS a Wonderful Life

I was talking with a friend some time ago about a young woman named Maggie Doyne. She is an American philanthropist who left home to explore the world after graduating high school. Her success story began with the determination to … Continue reading

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The Energy of Mom

I was thinking about my Mom this morning.  It’s her birthday, although she’s been gone some 18-plus years.  I miss her. What I hold onto is a fact Albert Einstein taught us:  energy can neither be created nor destroyed. And … Continue reading

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20/20 Vision

My eyesight isn’t the greatest. But my hindsight is definitely 20/20 vision. I’ve a relative who has sworn off social media in this new year. She’s had enough. For her, now is the right time. Shortly after she made this … Continue reading

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