Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fact vs. Fiction

I’ve learned a great many things over my many revolutions around the sun. I’d like to think I’ve become wiser because of what I’ve learned. I know I’ve become humbler knowing all I’ve yet to learn. One thing that has … Continue reading

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Seeing the Stars…Again

“G’Quon wrote, ‘There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities; it is against chaos and despair. … Continue reading

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Someone I know, a relative in fact, posted a complaint that “free speech” was being inhibited or censored when a number of social media outlets decided to remove the outgoing President of United States bully pulpit. They did not do … Continue reading

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The Legacy of 45

Believe it or not, we’ve all learned a lot over the past four years and can thank Donald J. Trump for that. He showed us a path not previously seen and taught us lessons not previously learned. You may have … Continue reading

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Conspiracies Abound

The internet, the “dark web,” and the various social media platforms have created a tapestry of nonsense that some – those whose minds are open to it – find appealing. I believe this conspiracy obsession reflects something which is sorely … Continue reading

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