Category Archives: Uncategorized

Work in Process

In the accounting world, in a manufacturing environment, there are stages of inventory which delineate where a product is within the process. It begins with raw materials, which then move through one or more “work in process” inventories, until a … Continue reading

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Body Parts

If you were to ask, “What do you look at first, when you meet someone?” you would, no doubt, receive a variety of answers. And, probably, a great difference between where men’s eyes focus versus women’s. Right? Personally, I like … Continue reading

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Easy Like Sunday Morning

  Quiet. I hear the grandfather clock ticking in the background, the hum of the refrigerator, and a solitary bird announcing the first light of the day, which slowly begins adding gray light to an otherwise dark and star-filled sky. … Continue reading

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It Is So Ordered

To all the naysayers and bible-thumping individuals who have expressed their unwavering disapproval of the recent Supreme Court ruling granting equal rights to all, in marriage: Sadly, some of those who have expressed disapproval online I consider friends. Thing is, … Continue reading

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Evolution of a Thought

I had written a little something which I posted on Facebook some time ago, regarding a dog my partner and I had put down, and our other dog’s reaction.  It was nothing much really, just a few random thoughts.  A … Continue reading

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