Category Archives: Uncategorized


It’s sometimes easy to forget to be thankful. To be grateful for all we have. We become accustomed to the abundance in our lives, and often focus on a perceived lack. If only we had ______ (fill in the blank), … Continue reading

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The Power of Repetition

If you say something once, is it true? Let’s use, for example, the phrase, “witch hunt.” If you say it once, is it a true statement? Can it be a true statement, without support, data, logic, research? But what if…what … Continue reading

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A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

But what about a memory?  What’s the value of that? Kudos to the photographer who shot this image, John Blanding of the Boston Globe, during the recent royal wedding. I want to be her. The one person in photo who … Continue reading

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An Inconvenient Truth

Lots going on in the world. Always lots going on. But there’s a change in the air, can you feel it? There’s been a shift. Slight right now, just a breeze, but gaining momentum. Like butterfly wings ultimately causing a … Continue reading

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The Tunnel of Love…and Grief

While the road gives us roadblocks, and often a difficult path to traverse, sometimes we find the end of any particular road wasn’t quite as bad as we anticipated. We weathered the storms, we hit the potholes and almost bottomed … Continue reading

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