I find it incredibly interesting that, now some 4 months post-election, there are people still flying their Trump flags. I know they are happy he’s the new president, even though he still lost the popular vote (all three times he ran, by the way) and is running our government, economy, and country into the ground, but in days past, after elections, people used to remove their political campaign signs. But not Trump voters. No. This is an “in your face, we won, you suck” moment for them. They are superior and you’d best not forget it.
On the bright side is, for those of us on the “losing” side, we know exactly what the people living in those houses believe. Because here’s the thing: we knew when the political race was on, that Trump was a bigoted, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, sexual predator, rapist, draft-dodging, twice impeached, convicted felon and terrible businessman, not only declaring bankruptcy at least 6 times but also found liable for fraud with both his Trump University and his Donald J. Trump Foundation. These are all easily researched facts. We knew all this before the election even happened.
And yet, here we are.
So, you see, this is where I struggle. Because knowing all that – knowing all that before you cast your vote – should have, perhaps potentially, maybe, encouraged you to rethink where and in whom to place your trust. Alas, for some 77 million people, it did not. And while the excuses du jour were the price of eggs and immigration, I find those to be rather lame excuses in exchange for tossing aside your morality and ethics. Assuming they were there to toss away.
Which leads me to the next logical conclusion: you see yourself in Trump. He is a reflection of you. You see the superiority complex, and you like what you see. To lift yourself up you must drag others down. And you feel good about that.
I may have been on the losing side of the election, but I’m pretty sure I’m standing on the right side of history. My moral compass remains intact. I have not lowered my ethical standards for a cheaper egg. Nor will I denigrate any living being for simply existing in my world. We are one. Human beings. We all bleed red.
I have friends who are Democrats and who are also friends with Trumpers. And it is lost on me. My friends are, most assuredly, better people than I to be able to overlook that particular character flaw in someone, but I struggle with the thought of being friends with someone who is now cheering on a regime that has openly attacked women, the LGBTQ+ community, and veterans, all groups to which I belong. Not to mention all the other groups being openly disparaged: Blacks, Latinos, Hispanics, Muslims, immigrants, etc. And while I can appreciate the right to having one’s own opinion – your opinions being as valid as mine – when your opinion endorses the cruelty being inflicted every day on government workers, immigrants, people of color, women, transgender people, gays, and families in need, and you can find no room in your heart for treating all humans equally and equitably, well then, this divergence between you and I creates a crevasse simply too great to cross.
I would be happy to go back to the old days where, if we spoke of politics, it was based on policy choices. What laws best support the masses? Where should we spend the tax money collected? How best can we help each other in this country and in other counties? How do we fix the immigration issues facing our country? How do we keep the economy chugging along? These are valid concerns. But the arguments have become increasingly vitriolic. Policies are hate-based, cruelty for cruelty’s sake, and the MAGA side seems intent on finding ways to get one step up the ladder by standing on the back of another. I find that incredibly disheartening.
Alas, here we are. And while my one voice may not matter, the many millions now speaking out together will. I will not look the other way and pretend this is normal. And I am willing to face the consequences of that position. I will continue to look to my moral compass for guidance. I will not relegate anyone –not even the Trump acolytes and voters – to a “less than me” status. I may not agree with them, or be able to call them friends, but their right to exist is equal to mine. And I will always stand by that.
~ jwb ~
Another spot on article. “Do your own integrity check” one of most important statements in this time of lies and cowardliness in our country. Well written Jean.
Thank you, Jean, for expressing this so well. Why is it so clear to so many, yet others are admiring the Emperor’s new clothes?