Bullies “R” Us

I don’t get it. Honestly, I don’t. When, exactly, did the masses become such bullies? And why?

Maybe it’s just social media opening a window into our bullyish souls. Before social media, bullies had to bully in person. Close contact. Maybe that tendency always existed is the majority’s hearts, but most shied away from being a bully directly into someone’s face.

But now? Floodgates are opened. Wide.

Go to any social media post. Positive, negative, neutral. Doesn’t matter. There will often be a bully in either the post (negative, attacking someone) or in the comments. There’s almost always a bully in the crowd. Or, more likely, many. Instead of scrolling past something, they belittle. They revert to name calling. They make fun of the post, or the poster, or another’s comments.

Bullying is simply a form of intimidation. Bullies attempt to prove they are smarter than someone else. Bullying attempts to marginalize others. Bullying is destructive and unnecessary. I know people who claim to be tolerant and understanding of others, people who would claim they abhor bullying, and vehemently deny they are a bully, all the while enjoying belittling someone or making snarky retorts on social media. There appears to be a “joy” in attacking someone whose views are different, or whose posts or comments you disagree with, especially when you don’t have to face them. I assume this makes the bully feel better about themselves in some way. When someone bullies someone else, they are insinuating that person is stupid, ignorant, or naïve, thereby elevating their own status – at least in their own eyes. It’s an ego boost I imagine. Being so smart and witty. Personally, I simply haven’t a clue as to when or where this became fun.

I am limiting my time on Facebook…as best I can. It’s the only social media platform I’m on, and I’ve been on it for 10 years now. Perhaps 10 years too long. I did drop off completely once before, for a couple of months, and honestly? It was as if a breath of fresh air entered my life. I comment very little on posts as it is, mainly because if I disagree, well, what’s the point? I’m not going to change anyone’s mind. And if I agree, then I can just hit the like button. So, there’s that. But more importantly, I don’t see much of the negativity people are so willing to share, either in their posts, or in their comments. It’s exhausting really. And I’m tired of being exhausted.

For those who enjoy social media I would simply suggest this: think before you comment. Or, as Rumi suggests:

Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates:
Is it true?
Is is necessary?
Is is kind?

Namaste 🙏



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