Vote Your Conscience

You can’t vote for a racist and tell me you’re not a racist.

You can’t vote for a consummate liar and tell me you don’t condone lying.

You can’t vote for a womanizer and admitted sexual predator and tell me you respect women.

You can’t vote for a man who won’t protect the rights of the LGBTQ community and tell me you believe in equality.

You can’t vote for a man who cheated on all three of his wives and tell me you believe in the sanctity of marriage.

You can’t vote for a man who flaunts religion when it suits him, but disregards all the tenants of that religion in his daily life and tell me you respect that religion.

You can’t vote for a man who enables white terrorists, encouraging them to carry their guns and disrespect authority, and tell me that you support the rule of law in this country.

You can’t vote for a man who locks children in cages and tell me that you love children.

You can’t vote for a man who rallies on behalf of the anti-abortion movement, but supports the death penalty, guns on the streets, and wars, and tell me you believe all life is sacred.

You can’t vote for man who disregards all scientific or medical evidence on a subject – whether it be climate change or a pandemic – because it’s either a conspiracy meant to dethrone him, or fake news, and tell me you respect our scientific and medical communities.

You can’t vote for a man who imitates a disabled person and tell me that you respect disabled people.

You can’t vote for bully and tell me you don’t condone bullying.

You can’t vote for man who makes up names of everyone he doesn’t like and tell me you’re voting for an adult.

You can’t vote for a man who fires anyone who says anything contrary to the story he wants out there and tell me you believe in transparency and the system of checks and balances our country was founded on.

Finally, you can’t vote for a man that vilifies all press organizations, with the exception of one, and tell me you believe in freedom of the press.

You can’t.

You can, however, vote for him. It is your constitutional right to do so. But own it. Own your moral compass. Your ethics. Your integrity. They are very different from mine. But at the end of the day, we will both know where we stand. And I promise you this: I won’t ever tell you that I respect you.

🙏 Namaste



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