Hypocrisy…the New Normal?

Quiz time: What’s the difference between coincidence, irony, and hypocrisy?

Answer:  Coincidence is when someone does something, and then another something happens, similar in nature to the first event, but unrelated. Irony, often confused with coincidence, is subtly different. Irony occurs when someone does something, but the event’s results are contrary to what was expected and therefore – often – amusing. I love irony, because when you spot it, and bring it to one’s attention, it can be pretty darn funny. Hypocrisy, on the other hand, not so funny at all. Hypocrisy is when someone claims to have a certain set of moral standards or beliefs, but their behavior suggests otherwise. I find hypocrisy abhorrent.

Honestly? I’m fed up with all the hypocrisy I’m seeing lately. It’s everywhere. In politics, through a government which touts is concern and compassion for the masses and then does the opposite of what the masses need. Protesters who claim to be on the right side of God, all while carrying guns and threatening other’s health and well-being. People who claim all life is sacred when fighting for the unborn but are content to sit quietly on the sidelines as semi-automatic weapons proliferate, wars are waged, and prisoners are executed. Relatives who spout their moral high ground for all to see, but don’t live it in their daily lives.

I honestly don’t care what your morals and values are, whoever you are. I only have to answer for mine. But don’t spew garbage about how you care, or post words to live by, and then do the opposite. That’s hypocrisy. I know how to play the game though. I’ll simply ignore what you say and watch what you do. This is where truth lives. This is where the rubber meets the road. You can get God. You can scream from the mountaintop – or from your Facebook or Twitter page – about how righteous you are, and how strong your moral compass is. I won’t believe a word of it unless I see you living it.

There is no irony here. No unexpected result which leaves us amused. There is only hypocrisy where, yes, the result may seem contrary to what would be expected based on what’s being said, but it’s not the least bit funny. Hypocrisy is the propaganda of lost, sad, and lonely people claiming to be walking on the right path in an effort to cover up their very real, and very obvious, insecurities.

I honestly feel for those compelled to tell us how their strong moral code and value-based life guides them, and just how awesome they are because of that. How well they are living their life. How kind and compassionate they are. How they are always looking out for others. I know the truth. They are not living up to their words because they are afraid. Afraid of being alone. Afraid on not being the center of attention. Afraid the rest of us will discover their truth – they are fakes and frauds. They are charlatans selling snake oil, and I’m not buying.

“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.” (Yoda, in Star Wars The Phantom Menace).

I hope some will see the light before it’s too late.

Namaste 🙏



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