The Adult in the Room

Being grown up is overrated. I don’t want to grow up, even though, by societal standards, I am grown up. I don’t want to grow up in the sense that I’d rather live my life with childlike wonder and amazement, than in a cynical and dispassionate way. To look at things around me with awe. To be enthralled. To have my breath taken away. To laugh with joyful abandon. To live. I never wanted to grow up to become an arrogant, antagonistic, opinionated, selfish, jealous, vindictive bully, as I’ve seen many adults become. Of course, maybe they were always that way, but I sort of doubt it.

Having said that however, there aren’t enough mature adults in the room. Not enough chaperones. The individuals we tend to place on the pedestal of adulthood – and thereby allow to set the example for our young ones to follow – are woefully inadequate for the job. Actors and actresses. Musicians. Sports figures. Politicians. They may have name and face recognition, and may be incredibly rich, but they often are not the shining example of how a mature individual should act. At least, not in my book.

If it is up to those of us past a certain age to be the adult in the room, then it is up to us to set the example for those who come behind us. To live the life we are meant to live, and to teach our children and grandchildren how to navigate their lives successfully and happily, with the knowledge and wisdom – and yes, maturity – that comes with adulthood. All while living our life with the joyfulness, wonder, and curiosity that resides in a child’s heart.

The adult in the room is the one who separates the siblings during a fight while recognizing there are always two sides a story, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle. The adult in the room understands that sometimes emotions overrule sensibility and can therefore calm a situation by actively listening and empathizing with both sides. The adult in the room shares ideas and thoughts without belittling other’s ideas and thoughts. The adult in the room recognizes the contributions everyone brings to the table. The adult in the room embraces and values their relationships – with friends, coworkers, family. The adult in the room…well, the adult in the room adults.

We can live like a child, in awe of all that this world presents to us on a daily basis, but we can also live as wise and mature adults in the room, and set the standard for integrity and ethical behavior that others, most especially children, will emulate. If we do that successfully we will have accomplished our mission here on earth. Be fair and honest; trustworthy and understanding, compassionate and empathetic. Keep your word. Speak your truth but watch your tongue. Be gentle, but deliberate, in both word and action, knowing and understanding that other’s truths are just as viable as yours. Share your love and wisdom. Be the adult in the room.

We need you, especially now.

Namaste 🙏



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