Ch, Ch, Changes…

Grandfather clock, ticking away the seconds, next to me. Soothing, and yet relentless. Each moment passes with a tick. The one constant in all of life, as the clock ticks persistently in the background, is change. At work lately, this has been especially true. It is causing stress and angst among much of the staff, and it, too, can be relentless.

It’s not about the change though. It never really is. It’s about how we choose to handle it. What is the change bringing to the table? Disaster or opportunity? Failure or education? Despair or resolve? These are some of the choices we’re faced with. Do we hide under the covers, curled up in a ball? Or do we peek around the next corner?

Our general attitude toward life in general often leads the way for us. Positive, upbeat, forward-looking people often see the silver lining. Negative, downtrodden, backward-view people often see the cloud of despair. But make no mistake – we all have the power to readjust our view and move toward the brighter outcome.

People are amazingly resilient. We see that all around us. Those who have lost loved ones. Those that travel hundreds of miles through inhospitable terrain and unknown dangers to escape violent regimes in hopes of finding a better life. Those who struggle to survive in war-torn countries. Those that have experienced the worst humanity could possibly throw at them – genocide, enslavement, The Holocaust.  Those that have endured the worst of Mother Nature’s wrath – tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes.

Tragedies, changes, life.  We all have power over our perception of the events that change our lives. Reality is nothing more than perception, and while we all perceive life’s events differently, it doesn’t mean we can’t readjust our perception when necessary, making the change not only palatable, but enlightening, and perhaps even inspiring. The old adage – what you see is what you get – could never be more true.

See the good. It’s there for you.

Namaste 🙏



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