It Is So Ordered


To all the naysayers and bible-thumping individuals who have expressed their unwavering disapproval of the recent Supreme Court ruling granting equal rights to all, in marriage:

Sadly, some of those who have expressed disapproval online I consider friends. Thing is, I would respect all dissenting views and opinions if those expressing them were all pure of heart, but here is what I have seen: individuals who have had relationships and children out of wedlock; individuals who have been divorced, sometimes multiple times; individuals who are judgmental (and for you-know-who’s sake, most can’t even spell the word right!), intolerant, antagonistic, disrespectful, and who spew hatred in the name of – or, as they say, for the love of – God. The Jesus they claim to worship was, allegedly, a man of love and tolerance and inclusion. This is not exactly the type I person I’m seeing emulated on the pages of social media.

If the ability for gay couples to marry somehow marginalizes heterosexual marriages, I would be interested in understanding how. Divorce rates remain high, and those are heterosexual divorce rates. Perhaps homosexuals will fare no better, but they will surely fare no worse. The marriage ruling is not about religion – far from it! It’s about equal rights under the watchful eyes of the law, and Lady Justice, blindfolded, holding scales representing truth and lies. It’s about the fact that everyone is entitled to the rights and benefits and protections which legal marriage affords.  And, by default, the rights and detriments of divorce. We all should be smart enough to know that separate, but allegedly equal, is a farce.  Surely we learned that hard lesson during the civil rights movement. Logically then, marriage versus civil unions would be a farce. Our (yes, OUR) Declaration of Independence states “all” are created equal.  Okay, technically, yes, it says men and, technically yes, at the time it meant white men, and women and minorities continue to struggle for their equality (surely another blog in that statement). Point being, everyone should have the same rights and benefits while living on this small, blue sphere we call Earth. The sands of justice shift, as we evolve. So really, this is about the law, and constitutionally protected rights, not about what one believes their God approves or disapproves of. Because really, why do you even care? If your God disapproves and there’s a price to pay at those pearly gates, you won’t have to ante up, because you’re pure. I will, along with those like me. And honestly? I will gladly pay that price with the knowledge that I have lived my life filled with happiness, and love, and honesty, without hypocrisy. I don’t begrudge anyone their happiness, although I don’t personally understand heterosexual relationships. How can I? I am not heterosexual.  But I do respect their’s, and everyone’s, choice to love whomever they choose to love, and to marry the person of their dreams, even if that takes more than one try!  Now, finally, the law recognizes I can do the same – with or without someone else’s approval.

It is so ordered.

~ jwb ~

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One Response to It Is So Ordered

  1. Beverly says:

    I couldn’t agree more. I always thought “do unto others as you would have done to you” was a simple but affective way to live. Apparently many God fearing Christians seem to believe happiness can only be achieved by living your life as they do. They do things like threaten, instill fear , and even violence to get their point across. I don’t understand the hypocrisy of it all,but personally can only be responsible for my own actions and words. I like it that way!

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