Tell Me Why the Road Turns*

(*from the song Missing You, by Diana Ross.)

How is it that things suddenly take a turn for the worse, with no warning, catching us totally unawares? Why do we not see the curve in the road ahead, until we’re upon it, screeching around it on two wheels? Why, if objects in the rear view mirror are closer than they appear, don’t we realize how truly close they are? Why are roadblocks scattered strategically in our path, slowing us, hindering our progress, forcing us to repeatedly take stock of where we’re going, and why, and how? Why are speed bumps placed just far enough apart to allow us to gain momentum, only to then have us slam on the breaks to navigate slowly and carefully over the next one, trying desperately not to bottom out? Why does life sometimes seem to be so perilous and frightening, when just moments before the road was clear and the chosen path certain?

I’ve a friend, who along with her family, is struggling to navigate not just a speed bump, or even a roadblock, but more like a hairpin curve on the top of a mountain, with hazardous road conditions, sleet and ice raining down, and no guardrails. At least, that’s how I picture it. They didn’t see the threat coming. Couldn’t see it coming. And yet, here they are. Traveling along this treacherous road, a road that, until only a few short weeks ago, didn’t even exist in their lives. They are supported by each other, and by all the good samaritans who always lend aid to weary travelers. And they will traverse this journey together, to its conclusion, whatever that may be, and wherever it may take them.

Sometimes we forget this, but in our hearts we know we’re supposed to be grateful for what we have, each and every moment, because we can’t see what lies ahead. Life can force you down on one knee, with an unbearable and unexpected weight. And sometimes, it pushes you down on both knees. In the words of Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame, “How we face death is at least as important as how we face life.”  There are no instructions to follow. No road map for this journey. A journey we’ll all take it at some point, perhaps alongside others in our lives, but ultimately, for ourselves. The challenge we all face is to to take it in stride, to navigate this path as best we can, leaning on those who offer support, and being gentle with ourselves and our loved ones along the way. There will be moments of weakness, and pain, and anger. Just as there will be moments of strength, and compassion, and generosity. And love. Always moments of love. Through it all we just have to remember to put one foot in front of the other. Life is what we’re all here to experience, and the difficult road conditions we sometimes must endure are simply a reminder that this life we all clutch at, and claw at, and cling to, and pray to hang on to, is transient and temporary.  But this moment?  This now?  This is what we need to be grateful for.

~ jwb ~


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