About This Blog

Coloring (4)


I had previously written an “About the About Page,” because honestly?  I wasn’t sure what this blog was – or what I was – about.  Now I think I know.  This is about me and why I think I’m here writing this blog; what I’ve learned along the way; what I hope to learn going forward, and how I believe it might be fun to have company on my journey.  Since I can no longer claim to be young (coming up fast on the big 6-0!), I tend to consider myself middle-age.  But that’s not exactly accurate since I don’t really believe I’ll live to see 120.  I could be wrong, but, based on conventional wisdom, I’m going with the assumption that I’ve got 15 – 20 good years ahead.  I’m shooting for at least 80 before the sands of time realize just how old I am and catch up with me.  With that in mind, and with the clock ticking in the background, I’ve decided that my time is now, if ever there was a time.

I have found myself, over the past few years, drawn toward Buddhism.  I’ve never been religious (thank you Mom!), and have identified as an atheist, later as an agnostic, and now as spiritual.  Buddhism fits for me because, technically, it’s not a religion.  It doesn’t have a god which much be worshipped, or dogma which must be adhered to.  Really, all it asks is that you try to live your live better each and every day.  While enlightenment may be the end game, what I gain now, if not enlightenment, is certainly mindfulness.

The path is long and winding.  Sometimes it’s steep and unrelenting.  Sometimes it’s smooth and serene.  I seek what so many before me have searched for:  peace of mind and happiness.  This shouldn’t be too much to ask, and yet so few have found the answer.  Those who have, know how easy it is.  Human nature makes it difficult.  My journey – the one you’re coming along with for the ride – is my search for happiness, love, peace, tranquility, gratefulness, acceptance, compassion, empathy, integrity.  These are just a few of the qualities I want to improve upon.  My journey – and this blog – are merely my observations on life, which I believe have made me a better human being, more mindful and more connected, more loving and compassionate, and yes, more peaceful, serene, and happy.  I have a long way to go.

I’m glad you’re here.  Well, about 4 of you anyway.  But hey!  It’s not the numbers which matter, it’s taking the first step and sharing the experience.  Maybe more will sidle up and walk beside me for a spell, and share their insights.  While this path is one of self-enlightenment, it is one which accepts any and all company along the way.  Because giving is ultimately what leads to getting.  It is the Middle Path.





3 Responses to About This Blog

  1. Teri Powles says:

    Love reading your posts, I don’t comment often, but love following you in your creative writing journey. ??

  2. Leslie Buckman says:

    A gentle invitation to walk alongside a kind spirited soul! Love your approach and engagement on this journey of life. I’m thankful to follow along.

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