Evolution of a Thought

imageI had written a little something which I posted on Facebook some time ago, regarding a dog my partner and I had put down, and our other dog’s reaction.  It was nothing much really, just a few random thoughts.  A friend responded, saying I had a book in me and should be writing, while another commented, saying I should listen to the first one.  I used to think I wanted to be a writer, but then discovered the kicker:  you have to write to be a writer.  I don’t know about you, but I’m lazy and writing, like most worthwhile endeavors, takes some, um, dedication, perseverance and, yes, hard work.  Then there’s the issue of what to write.  While I love to read murder mysteries, I don’t think I could write one.  And non-fiction?  Whoa!  That takes research!  Back to the hard work thing.  Come to think of it, I don’t want to offend any fiction writers here – fiction takes a lot of research too, if you do it right. Finally, I don’t think I’m that good.  But that’s a discussion best saved for a later date.

Which brings me to this point, here and now, writing about not writing.  Which I think I can easily do without any research because, after all, I’ve been living the non-writing life for a good long time.  I’ve got this!  Finally, I believe I’ve found my niche in life!  My non-writing career will be a huge success!  It won’t be a book or a short-story, but more like a column – now utilizing the more trendy and up to date lingo of blog.  Columns, or blogs, can be short, sweet, about anything you want them to be about, and they don’t necessarily require any research.  I have so got this!

So let me start with the evolution of my brand-spankin’ new webpage name, The Golden Dinosaur.  The name actually originated from a TV commercial for a jewelry store named “The Gold and Diamond Source.”  You know when you think for the longest time you know the words to a song and then someone laughs at you when they hear what you thought the words were?  The first few times I heard their commercial I was pretty sure they were saying, “The Golden Dinosaur,” and thought, “What a cool name!”  Except it wasn’t, not for them anyway.  But it is now . . . for me!  And as I thought about the name, and my new non-writing career, the meaning begin to evolve and morph and gel.  A golden dinosaur would be unique, right?  I mean, think about it:  Golden Dragon’s are a dime a dozen.  Search “Golden Dragon” and you get a gadzillion responses, most being Chinese restaurants.  Actually, you get 58+ million results at last check.  Search “Golden Dinosaur” and you get 15 million results – and that many only because of the word dinosaur, not because of the two words together.  Yet, dragons are mythical creatures and dinosaurs are – or rather were – real, at least from the point of view of scientifically-minded individuals.  I don’t know if there ever was, in fact, a golden dinosaur (or a dinosaur which produced golden eggs maybe?), but that is strictly based on my limited knowledge which we have now determined is limited because I’m not doing any research.  My point however, and I do have one, is that I am using the name The Golden Dinosaur as my vision of something that is (was) real (as in dinosaurs), infused with the ever-elusive dream or desire (as in golden) of achieving something new and untried, in my case writing.  This could be anything though – any vision or dream could be a golden dinosaur to you.  A desire to create something real and tangible, out of a simple thought, and to experience something enjoyable and meaningful in the process, is a golden dinosaur (to me).  It is the stuff dreams are made of.  So my dream and desire is to write – simply for fun.  To make observations and share thoughts.  And, hopefully, at least on occasion, to make someone laugh at, or think about,  or question, the world around us.  What’s your golden dinosaur?

~ jwb ~


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One Response to Evolution of a Thought

  1. Beverly says:

    so, what is my golden dinosaur? I think enjoying life as much as possible with whatever I have. You don’t need a lot of material things for my vision of the golden dinosaur . It’s beyond that. We only go around this life once, (as far as I know), so I intend to make the best with what I’ve been dealt with, good or bad.

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