I Am Awakened (Vernacular: I Am Woke…and plan to stay that way)

I have always been an early riser, so maybe I got here before some others. I’m also an avid reader, and I enjoy learning and seeking out the truth. I guess, in today’s lexicon, some might say, because of my beliefs, I am woke. And I’m kind of proud of that fact, regardless of the way some spit the word out like it’s a bad thing, a curse word.

According to Webster’s Dictionary, woke is defined as: “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice).”

So, yes, okay, I am woke. I find that to be an incredibly good thing as opposed to being ignorant. Or worse yet, knowing the truth but intentionally looking the other way. Facts are what they are. There is no denying them. And the fact is, we live in a disturbing and challenging world and are constantly barraged by a plethora of racial and social injustices.

According to an article in the Independent, dated January 22, 2021, “The phrase ‘woke’ and to ‘stay woke’ is not new – it began appearing in the 1940s and was first used by African Americans to ‘literally mean becoming woken up or sensitized to issues of justice,’ says linguist and lexicographer Tony Thorne.” But its use ratcheted up in intensity in the early 2000s, and now? Well, in 2017 the Oxford English Dictionary added it to their dictionary, defining it as “Woke, adjective: originally: well-informed, up to date. Now chiefly: alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice; frequently in stay woke.”

Its also become one of the worst insults the far right has latched on to in an effort to discredit liberals.

Wow. So being aware of injustices, being empathetic to the plight of others, is now a bad thing. At least according to the extremist right. But let’s do this – let’s set aside politics for one minute if that’s even possible. Being educated and informed about injustices would seem like a good thing for everyone, no? If we want to make a better world, we need to be aware of what we’re dealing with. Where the problems are. Where injustice lives. How injustices occur. Then, and only then, would we be able to look for solutions.

Back to reality, in the world of politics however, that is not a direction some want to look. There is, on the right’s side, an existential threat – to the white male. It is people of color, it is immigrants, it is religions other than evangelical Christianity, it is the LGBTQ community, and it is women. These threats to white male supremacy have been ongoing throughout the history of America – and the desire to form a more perfect Union. If you can keep certain types of people marginalized and disenfranchised, you can maintain control. And that’s the crux of the matter. Because control means power and, more importantly, money.

Large corporate entities know this all too well. This explains why so many are anti-union. If they keep the workers down, keep them struggling at the bottom of the hierarchy, the corporate entity makes more money and the workers keep coming to work in an effort to put food on their tables. That increase in corporate profits lines their shareholder’s pockets. Which means they can arbitrarily raise prices and blame inflation. Or the current inhabitant of the White House. Or the radical left. If you don’t believe me, follow the money. Always follow the money. That’s where you’ll find the truth of politics.

For those who desire not to be “woke” and look forward to having the GOP back in control, well, either you have a lot of money you are bent on protecting at any cost or you’re ignorant to the plight of others, or both. Perhaps you feel superior in some way to those “others.” And feeling superior requires not talking about racism, or being gay or transgendered, or the Holocaust, or any other hot push-button topic. But reality is what it is. People are suffering, struggling. And they are constantly being pushed down by others who feel that helping the downtrodden will leave less in the pot for them. Point of fact, there is more than enough to go around, if we are willing to share.

I honestly feel sorry for those who feel threatened by those struggling to make ends meet. It must be incredibly exhausting to be so paranoid, always looking over your shoulder. Always fearing that what you have might be taken away from you at any moment. I wouldn’t want to live in your shoes, under constant threat. Always concerned with how to protect your wealth. Your little piece of the pie. All those valuables which, in case you have not yet realized, you can’t take with you, but nevertheless are unwilling to share with others. It must be a difficult life. It’s a life I wouldn’t choose to live.

It is important to me to be aware of all that goes on in this world – the good and the bad. It is important to know that there is injustice, there is racism, there is fear and hate. Equally important is to be aware of those who do good in the world, the helpers, the people who are willing to share their good fortune with others. We need the contrast I suppose – can’t know good if you don’t know bad – but it just seems to me if we could get more people woke, we’d find this world to be a much better place.



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